
Talk to your staff - then everyone will move with you

Whether it is worthwhile to look around in a department other than your own in the company every now and then? That's like asking me whether it makes sense to think outside the box.

Approach people - but do it right

However, it depends on how I do it. If I only go to the people when something has gone wrong and only look for the culprits, it doesn't help. Then everyone just ducks their heads and builds up defence strategies: "It wasn't my fault". In this way, it becomes very difficult to discover the fault in the system.
That's why I regularly go around the company and talk to people, even without a special reason. Just ask them: How are things going? Why is this and that the way it is? Why do you do it that way? If I am interested in what the people there do, I get honest answers. Then I find out more quickly where I can change something together with them.
It also gives me a more direct understanding of things. Because I see the processes and circumstances with my own eyes instead of getting my information through intermediate stages.

Talking to people - but the right ones

The classic is: somewhere in the process something doesn't work the way it should. Then the executives meet at the management level and discuss it. Gladly without those who actually do the work and know the individual process steps in detail. What is supposed to come out of that?
I have also worked in very large companies in the car industry. When the board of directors arrived, everything was prepared well in advance. Everything looked immaculate. And everyone knew that everything had been cast and prepared.
I ask you: What could come of something like that?

You have to come up with it first: It was the coffee beans

An example: A customer of ours wanted to try out all:change and we set up a collection box for defective parts in his workshop. But the box never filled up. Instead, the bars and beams ended up in the scrap box. When we met for a coffee with the people in the workshop, it turned out: the scrap dealer used to bring coffee beans by every now and then. The decision whether something was scrap or repairable was therefore usually in his favour. We were then able to convince the customer to take over the supply of coffee beans himself. With his savings with all:change, that was easy. And our collection box filled up regularly from then on.

Of course, you can only find this out if you approach people with an open mind.

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