Managing Directors Detlef Lohmann and Jens Laufer present the allsafe Sustainability Report 2020.
Press articles, current publications (such as our sustainability report), news about allsafe, don't miss any news about the BLUE PIONEER ...
TOP JOB: allsafe awarded for the fifth time
We are proud to be continuously among the best employers in the SME sector.
Saving money with sustainability: eternal life for load securing devices
allsafe presents a process for saving money with sustainability and high availability.
The winner is ... European Transport Prize for Sustainability 2022
allsafe has been awarded the European Transport Sustainability Award 2022.
trans aktuell 20: Long live load securing
How allsafe saves CO2 when securing loads.
eurotransportTV: Fighting CO2 with load restraints
The company allsafe has brought an idea to market maturity, through which the company can save up to 50 percent CO2: all:change.
Secure correctly at last: Liquid containers on standard trailers
Finally secure liquid containers on standard trailers correctly - with DEKRA certificate!
regioTV: Detlef Lohmann on circular economy
Detlef Lohmann in an interview with Rolf Benzmann on regioTV about circular economy and resource conservation.
Doing business sustainably: allsafe sustainability report and carbon footprint report 2022 - safeguarding goods, preserving values
Detlef Lohmann in an interview with Rolf Benzmann on regioTV about circular economy and resource conservation.
Doing it all the way to the last mile
Detlef Lohmann in an interview with Rolf Benzmann on regioTV about circular economy and resource conservation.