
How I consume less and buy more

What ends up in my shopping basket? I've been asking myself this question more and more often lately. And I notice from conversations with friends that it's not just me. I like to observe the trend towards conscious shopping, because of course it is good for the environment if more and more people choose food and goods that are produced and produced under certain sustainability criteria for the sake of the environment and are marked with the organic label.

However, I have noticed a completely different positive change in myself since I changed my shopping behaviour.

Conscious shopping

How many items do you have in your wardrobe that you don't wear? I'll admit: I do have a few things in mine ...

But not much has come of it lately, because: as dramatic as the Corona pandemic was, it did bring something good with it: I was forced not to buy any new clothes for two years and, oh wonder, I still found something to wear every day.

And apparently it wasn't just me: on my walks and bike rides I often observed how people dedicate themselves to their gardens, make themselves beautiful at home and realise: We don't have to go on holiday every year. We can also have it really nice at home or nearby.

Consumption vs. shopping

That made me think: obviously I need much less than I thought. Since then, I have been very conscious of what I buy. Now, when I go into town, I ask myself about the value of every item I pick up.

Then I no longer consume. I shop. What is the difference? It's not about the things I buy. It's about me.

I put myself in the centre. And so only what is good for me ends up in the shopping basket. I free myself from all unnecessary ballast. I now consciously treat myself to something. And so I acquire more and more investment goods. In other words, things that I don't just buy to consume, but that give something back to me.

For example, I choose healthy food and invest in my health. I treat myself to clothes that make me feel really good, that put a smile on my face when I wear them. Why don't you try it out? If you only buy things that give something back to you, you will use them for a while - and draw energy from them.

Good reasons

But shopping consciously is not only good for me. My wallet also benefits: sure, high-quality products are more expensive at first, but they also last longer than the Chinese version that I have to buy three times in the same period. And it is also sustainable to buy less and thus save resources. And the environment thanks us when we buy less and more consciously.

If these aren't really good reasons to do some conscious shopping again ...

What would you like to treat yourself to next?

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